Gloria al Bravo Pueblo

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo
English: Glory to the Brave People

National anthem of

Also known as La Marsellesa Venezolana
English: Venezuelan Marseillaise
Lyrics Vicente Salias, 1810
Music Juan José Landaeta
Adopted 1881

Gloria al Bravo Pueblo (Glory to the Brave People) was adopted as Venezuela's national anthem by President Antonio Guzmán Blanco on May 25, 1885. The lyrics were written by the physician and journalist Vicente Salias in 1810. The music was later composed by musician Juan José Landaeta. It is said, however, that the melody has been known since 1840 as La Marsellesa Venezolana (Venezuelan Marseillaise), in reference to its subtle similarity to the French national anthem.

Some recent investigations have suggested that the real author of the anthem was Andrés Bello, and not Salias, to whom it was originally credited, and the music was composed by another musician called Lino Gallardo. However, this theory has yet to be proven, and lacks any real recognition among the general Venezuelan population, historians, or otherwise.



— Coro —
Gloria al bravo pueblo
que el yugo lanzó,
la Ley respetando
la virtud y honor.
— I —
¡Abajo cadenas!
Gritaba el Señor;
y el pobre en su choza
libertad pidió.
A este santo nombre
tembló de pavor
el vil egoísmo
que otra vez triunfó.
— II —
Gritemos con brío
¡Muera la opresión!
Compatriotas fieles,
la fuerza es la unión;
y desde el empíreo,
el Supremo Autor
un sublime aliento
al pueblo infundió.
— III —
Unida con lazos
que el cielo formó,
la América toda
existe en nación;
y si el despotismo
levanta la voz
seguid el ejemplo
que Caracas dió.


— Chorus —
Glory to the brave people
which shook off the yoke,
the Law respecting
virtue and honour. (repeat all)
— I —
“Down with the chains!” (repeat)
Cried out the Lord; (repeat)
and the poor man in his hovel
for freedom implored.
Upon this holy name ((repeat))
trembled in fear
the vile selfishness
that had once triumphed.
((repeat last four lines))
(((repeat last two lines)))
— II —
Let’s cry out aloud: (repeat)
Down with oppression! (repeat)
Faithful countrymen, your strength
lies in your unity;
and from the heavens ((repeat))
the supreme Creator
breathed a sublime spirit
into the nation.
((repeat last four lines))
(((repeat last two lines)))
— III —
United by bonds (repeat)
made by heaven, (repeat)
all America exists
as a Nation;
and if that tyranny ((repeat))
raises its voice,
follow the example
given by Caracas.
((repeat last four lines))
(((repeat last two lines)))

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